Sunday, May 15, 2016

IB Philosophy Paper 2 Prompts

Hiya!  I'm here with Paper 2 prompts, which are in some ways more easy than Paper 1.  There are once again two parts to Paper 2, but 2a is SIGNIFICANTLY more straightforward than 1a.  Mostly because it isn't an essay, but a data dump.

I'm going to use Republic by Plato for this, since I have sample prompts.

Paper 2a:

This is, as I said, a data dump.  The rubric is very lax about it, and does not want any argument.  What you might see here is:

Choose one of the concepts below.  Summarize and discuss its importance within the text.

1) The Allegory of the Cave
2) Simile of the Line
3) Analogy of Kallipolis
4) The three-headed beast.

What do you do?  Well, there are two parts to the question.  Summarize and discuss!  Do it in order, lay it out very clearly so as to make it easy for the graders (never poke the bear, be nice to the graders) and just barf out information.  Not too much, though!  You really want to spend as much time on 2b as possible.  Then, after you spew info, you talk about how it is used in the text to help carry a message.  Easy, right?  It should be.

Paper 2b:

This part is significantly harder.  Here, you are given ONE prompt about all of the prescribed readings.  In your class, you probably went over at most two of them, maybe three.  I suggest that you familiarize yourself with one other just in case.  Anyway, I went over Tao Te Ching and Republic, so those two are the ones I'll be using on the essay.

For HL we studied The Second Sex, too, so here are the prompts we have.

Here are some prompts.

Republic by Plato
1) Explain and discuss the ideal ruler.
2) Explain why the road to tyranny begins in Plato's ideal state where the best person rules.
3) Discuss and critique Plato's views on individual freedom and social obligation.
4) Explain and discuss the nature of belief and knowledge.
5) Discuss the benefits of a guardian sharing his goods.

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu
1) Discuss how Tao Te Ching views war.
2) Why do you study the Tao if it can never be understood?
3) What is the value of silence?
4) Compare Taoism to other philosophical perspectives.
5) Can someone be closer than another to "The Way?"  If so, how can we ever know?

The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
1) Evaluate the relationship of freedom and identity
2) Critically examine the claim that women are doomed to passivity
3) Analyze and evaluate the implications of a woman being "other" or "second"
4) Evaluate how women might overcome the restraints placed on them.
5) Analyze the implications of "she becomes a woman."

That is what I have to say about Paper 2.  Good luck, everyone!


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