Sunday, May 14, 2017

Feminist Philosophy

Feminism is a relatively recent area of philosophy that doesn't get a lot of credit.  This is because, up until the 20th century, most philosophers didn't consider there to be anything wrong per se with women's roles in society (also, there was an EXTREME lacking in female philosophers!) but in the early part of the century, in the 1920's to be exact, some of the women in American society (we can has contribution in philosophy? le'gasp!) started being more... out.  This caused some thinkers to emerge that began to wonder why there is a divide in the sexes at all, should there be a divide, and is it natural?

Simone de Beauvoir, a 1960's French feminist, is a bit of the strong-arm in this movement, and also one of the prescribed readings for HL, so... I'll talk about her.  And some others.

Of course, there were some feminist philosophers before 1920, but they were... quashed.


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